Shoot Me Now

Like most socially responsible people, I’ve been eagerly awaiting the day I could get my Covid vaccine. The eligibility group is still a bit north of my chronological age, so I have been patiently waiting my turn. 

Out of the blue, my friend (and brilliant singer & entertainment lawyer) Amy Mitchell Pooley sent me a text to let me know that volunteers were needed for a drive-through vaccination station in far-north Austin. While there were no guarantees, it was also shared that — provided there are any left over — volunteers might be able to receive their first shot as well. Happy to do whatever I can to usher the world back to some semblance of “normal” (whatever THAT means these days), I signed up. If I only help others get their shots, great. If I end up getting a shot at the end of the day, bonus.

I showed up to the Kelly Reeves Athletic Complex in Cedar Park at the crack of dawn, received my orientation, and was placed on traffic direction duty (glad to put my conducting studies to good use!). Apart from a few entitled Karens/Kyles yelling at volunteers over the slow process which couldn’t possibly go any more quickly, most people driving through seemed genuinely happy to be there and to have so many volunteers to help. I even encountered a few friends along the way, including Angela and Charles Smith! 

The weather was quite cool when I set out, so it didn’t occur to me to bring along sunscreen. By the time midday came along, it was pretty hot, and yes… I ended up getting thoroughly cooked. I’m generally pretty conscientious about this, but in my excitement and early-morning fatigue, I spaced it (sigh).

The day passed quickly, and before I knew it my shift was finished. I gave my replacement a quick training, and was then informed that they indeed would have extra shots. I walked out to my car, drove to the end of the line, and waited for the 45-minute queue to bring me to the front (where I got to holler encouraging words to my replacement… suck it Karen and Kyle!). I was quickly given my shot, and headed on home.

I feel a little queasy, but I’ll take it. Thankful.

NEXT-DAY UPDATE: I feel straight-up AWFUL, and will not be leaving my bed today. Awful, but awfully thankful.

Brent Baldwin